Sunday, March 5, 2023
In memory and celebration of the life of our dear friend, Monty Way.
A devoted family man to his wife, Lynn, and his daughters, Jasmine and Jade.
A son to Clyde and Maybelle.
A brother to Marvin and Kim.
For Monty, family was the most important thing in life, especially his two daughters.
Monty nurtured friendships with so many people, from all walks of life. He was a magnetic personality. Driving around town with Monty was an endless string of friendly salutes, horn-honks and short chats with those in his path. Everybody knew him. It didn’t matter to Monty what your job was or who your family was. He just found a way to connect with you, to make you feel special.
He was a jokester. He loved to laugh. Nobody was better, nor faster at firing-off a light-hearted comment that brought a smile to your face or a chuckle to your belly. He just had a knack at putting everyone around him at ease.
He had a huge heart. He was kind. He was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand for people going through a tough time.
He loved wood, especially birch. He loved cutting it, building with it, painting it and burning it.
He loved operating heavy equipment, side-by-sides, snowmobiles and pretty much anything that had an engine and a steering wheel.
He loved trips in the woods, hunting, picking berries, camping and going to the cabin.
Monty believed that we should never take life too seriously but he also thought about serious things. He would inform himself about what was going on in the world. I had countless discussions with him about pretty much every subject under the sun. He always knew something about it and he had an opinion. He liked a debate, as long as it didn’t get too serious.
We all have our stories about Monty. Those cherished memories that allow him to live on in our hearts. Stories of a hilarious event, a fun experience or a kindness extended.
There is no question that Monty Way loved life…and he lived it to the fullest every day.
But anybody who knew Monty, knew that his two daughters were the most important part of his life. He told me once that being a father was his one true purpose in life. He always wanted them around, taking part in whatever adventure he had planned for the day. Placing yet another huge smile on their faces. He spent more time with his two girls than most fathers do in a lifetime. He loved seeing them learn and experience new things. He cherished their individual differences. He loved them unconditionally and he was proud of them. If ever there was a life purpose fulfilled, it is Monty Way. An awesome father. In Jasmine and Jade, he lives on.
We love you Monty,
Cillian & Elizabeth